Schedule and Tuition

Daily Schedule

8:00 School Opens
8:15-9:00 Arrival & free play
9:00 Art project, game time
(individualized learning, small groups engage in learning games), free choice of manipulative toys, and creative play.
10:00 Meeting time
(discussion, music, stories, finger plays, creative dramas)
10:30 Snack time
10:45 Outdoor play
11:30 Sharing time, stories
12:00 Pick-up time for part-time children
12:15 Lunch & quiet time
12:45 Group lessons, free play, outside time, projects
1:45 Pick-up time for remaining children
2:00 School closes

Since we only operate until 2:00 PM, we do not schedule a naptime. However, we do have mats available for children who are tired and need to lie down.

Rose Blossom School Fees and Hours

Note: There is an $85 registration fee per family each year, $35 summer session registration fee, four hour per month parent participation or $30 per month parent participation fee for each family.
  *Tuition is based on a four-week month.
** Fee for after school care from 12:00-2:00pm is $12, or $6 per hour.  Latest pick up time is 2:00pm.
***A 10% discount applies to full or part-time tuition of second child if more than one child per family is enrolled
Mornings only [9:00am-12:00pm] Per Diem $38
Two mornings a week $304 per month
Three mornings a week $456 per month
Four mornings a week $608 per month
Five mornings a week $760 per month
Full Day [9:00am-2:00pm] Per Diem $50
Two days a week $400 per month
Three days a week $600 per month
Four days a week $800 per month
Five days a week $1000 per month

School Calendar

2024-2025 School Year

Tuesday, Sept 3 First day of school year
Monday, Nov 11 Veteran’s Day [school is closed]
Nov 28- Nov 29 Thanksgiving [school is closed]
Dec 23 - Jan 3 Winter Break [school is closed]

Monday, Jan 6 School resumes
Monday, Jan 20 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day [school is closed]
Monday, Feb 17 President’s Day [school is closed]
April 11 - April 25 Spring Break [school is closed]
Monday, May 26 Memorial Day [school is closed]
Friday, June 13 Graduation/Promotion Celebration Event
Friday, June 13 Last day of school
6 weeks